
Get ready to learn what you are capable of. We at Capoeira Concepts believe that everyone can benefit from the art form of capoeira. Through movement, music, and song, we connect with ourselves and each other. Through that we increase our ability to connect in every other facet of life. So start your journey with us today. Learn all the ways you are capable of moving.





The Bronx Music Heritage Center Annex

1309 Luis Nine Boulevard, 10459

Ground Floor, Street Level

Adjacent to The Bronx Music Heritage Center Laboratory

Adult Hours

Mondays 6:15 - 8:15 &

Saturdays 1:00 - 2:30

Kids Hours

Saturdays 2:30 - 3:30


What’s That?! (Things You May See)

Capoeira is trained like most traditional martial-arts. With emphasis on the mastery of simple movements and skills fundamentals specific to this art. As mastery and skill is attained the creating of movement sequences and patterns is the next step in the movers journey. After sufficient time in the attainment and mastery of fundamental skills and movements, more complex, acrobatic skills and movements are introduced.

The capoeira circle is called a roda. The ‘R’ is pronounced like an ‘H’. The roda is where the game of capoeira is played. This is where capoeira practitioners and movers put their skills and abilities to use in the tradition of capoeira. This game is a totally non choreographed display of one of the most unique aspects of this art form. A free form interaction of the two players within the circle. Reflexes, action, reaction, interaction, highs, lows, intricacies, and theater, all in rhythm to the music. Oh yeah, did I mention that?! In addition to the participants who make up the circle and the players inside the circle, there are also members of the bateria(musical orchestra) within the circle. They set the tempo and rhythm of the game, as well as which variant of the game will be played. Whether fast, slow, high, or low, these are all decided by the bateria and particular variation of music being played. All through non-vocal musical cues. Sounds interesting, yes?!

Well, that’s just a bit of the complexity and intricacies of this wonderful martial art and dance form. Come train and move with us to find out and learn more!

  • Berimbau trio (bowed instruments)

  • Atabaque (drum)

  • Pandeiro (percussion instrument)

  • Agogo (two tone instrument)

  • Reco-Reco (bamboo instrument)

  • Chorus

  • Mats

  • Rings

  • Cones

  • Ropes

  • Mits

  • Pool Noodles